How To Do SEO Competitive Analysis

How to do SEO Competitive Analysis

Maintaining a competitive edge is crucial in the rapidly evolving realm of online marketing. One highly effective method to secure an advantage in the ever-changing digital landscape is by undertaking a thorough SEO competitive analysis. This approach entails a comprehensive assessment of your competitors’ strategies, pinpointing their advantages and drawbacks, and then strategically applying these insights to boost your SEO endeavors.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide for conducting a practical SEO competitive analysis, enabling you to enhance your website’s presence and ranking within search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why Conduct an SEO Competitive Analysis?

Before delving into the steps, let’s briefly discuss the importance of conducting an SEO competitive analysis. Understanding your competitors’ SEO strategies provides several benefits:

Identifying Opportunities:

Analyzing your competitors allows you to discover untapped keyword opportunities, content gaps, and areas where you can outperform them.


Comparing your website’s performance to that of your competitors enables you to establish achievable objectives and improvement targets.

Risk Management:

Understanding your competitors’ actions allows you to avoid common mistakes and stay aligned with industry-leading approaches proactively.

Strategy Enhancement:

Equipped with valuable insights, you can fine-tune and enhance your SEO strategy, boosting your prospects for higher search engine results rankings.

Now, let’s dive into the steps to perform a practical SEO competitive analysis:

Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

Start by identifying your primary competitors in the online space. These are the websites that rank well for keywords related to your industry or niche. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz can help you discover who your competitors are. You can also create a list of these websites to focus your deep competitor analysis.

Step 2: Analyze Competitor Keywords

Determine which keywords your competitors are targeting. Keyword research tools can reveal the keywords they rank for, the search volume of these keywords, and their current rankings. Look for high-value keywords that you might have missed in your own strategy.

Step 3: Analyze On-Page Optimization

After pinpointing your competitors, the subsequent task involves scrutinizing their on page and off-page SEO components. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide to on-page optimization for you;

  1. Title Tags:

Review each page’s competitors’ title tags. Are they using relevant keywords that accurately describe the content? Assess the length of their title tags, as overly long or short titles may not be optimized effectively.

  1. Meta Descriptions:

Examine the meta descriptions on their pages. Are they compelling and relevant to the content? Do they incorporate keywords naturally? A well-crafted meta description can improve click-through rates from search results.

  1. Heading Tags Analysis:

Examine the utilization of header tags (such as H1, H2, H3, and so on) within their content. Heading tags contribute to organizing and structuring your content, simplifying comprehension for users and search engines regarding the page’s information.

  1. Keyword Usage:

Take note of how your competitors use keywords within their content. Are keywords integrated naturally and strategically? Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can have a negative impact on SEO.

  1. Content Quality:

Assess the quality of their content. Are they providing comprehensive and valuable information to their audience? Look for areas where you can improve upon their content, whether through better research, more in-depth analysis, or more engaging writing.

  1. URL Structure:

Check their URL structure. Are their URLs descriptive and contain relevant keywords? A clean and well-structured URL can improve both user experience and SEO.

  1. Internal Linking:

Analyze how your competitors use internal links within their content. Internal linking can improve navigation and help distribute link equity throughout the site.

  1. Image Optimization:

Review how they optimize images. Are they using descriptive alt tags and appropriate file names? Optimized images can enhance both user experience and SEO.

  1. Schema Markup:

Determine if they use schema markup to provide structured data to search engines. Implementing schema markup can make your search results more informative and visually appealing.

When you carefully study how your competitors optimize their web pages, you can learn how they structure their content and choose their keywords. This information can help you improve your own webpage optimization, making your pages more appealing, relevant, and in line with what search engines prefer.

Regularly revisit and update your content to keep it fresh, relevant, and aligned with evolving SEO best practices.

Step 4: Assess Content Quality

Evaluate the quality and depth of your competitors’ content. Are they producing comprehensive, informative, and engaging articles? Look for opportunities to create better content, cover more topics, or provide unique insights your competitors are missing, commonly known as the sky-scrapper technique.

Step 5: Comprehensive Backlink Analysis

Backlinks are the backbone of a successful SEO strategy. They represent a vote of confidence from other websites and can significantly influence your website’s authority and search engine rankings. To gain valuable insights into how they construct links and identify opportunities to improve your own strategy, it’s crucial to perform an in-depth analysis of your competitor’s backlinks. Here’s a more detailed explanation of this step:

  1. Utilize Specialized Tools:

To initiate your backlink analysis, you can always opt to use specialized tools such as Ahrefs, Majestic, Moz, or SEMrush. These tools provide comprehensive insights into the backlink profiles of websites, including your competitors.

  1. Identify Backlink Sources:

Start by identifying the sources of your competitors’ backlinks. These sources could include other websites, blogs, news articles, directories, or social media platforms. Take note of the specific domains linking to your competitors.

  1. Assess Link Quality:

Not all backlinks are created equal. Evaluate the quality and relevancy of the backlinks pointing to your competitors’ websites. Look for factors such as domain authority, page authority, and the anchor text used in the links.

  • Domain Authority (DA): This metric was introduced by Moz that indicate the overall authority of a website’s domain. Higher DA sites typically pass more link equity.
  • Page Authority (PA): Similar to DA, PA assesses the authority of individual pages on a website. Backlinks from high PA pages are often more valuable.
  • Anchor Text: Analyze the anchor text used in backlinks. Are competitors receiving anchor text that contains relevant keywords or brand mentions? Overly optimized anchor text can raise red flags, so ensure it appears natural.
  • Relevance: Consider the relevance of the linking domains to your industry or niche. Links from relevant websites carry more weight in SEO.
  1. Identify Link Gaps:

While analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles, look for opportunities they might have missed. Are there authoritative websites in your industry that haven’t linked to your competitors but could potentially link to your site? Identifying these gaps can be a goldmine for your backlink acquisition strategy.

  1. Develop a Backlink Acquisition Strategy:

Armed with the insights from your competitor’s backlink analysis, create a strategic plan for acquiring high-quality backlinks. You can also use the HARO backlinking technique and guest posting to acquire natural backlinks.

  1. Monitor Your Progress:

Remember that building backlinks is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor your backlink profile, track new links, and assess their impact on your SEO performance. Regularly review and adapt your backlink acquisition strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

Carefully analyzing your competitors’ backlinks helps you understand their link-building strategies and empowers you to craft a robust plan for acquiring backlinks that suit your specific needs. Building a diverse and high-quality backlink profile is a fundamental aspect of achieving success in SEO, and this step is essential for reaching that goal.

Step 6: Social Media Presence

Analyze your competitors’ social media activity. How active are they on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Look for the type of content they share and the engagement they receive. Social signals can indirectly impact your SEO, so consider incorporating a social media strategy into your SEO efforts.

Step 7: Site Structure and User Experience

Evaluate the user experience and site structure of your competitors’ websites. Are their sites easy to navigate? Do they have clear calls to action (CTAs)? Assess site speed and mobile-friendliness. A well-structured, user-friendly site can positively impact SEO.

Step 8: Local SEO

Examine your competitors’ local SEO efforts if you have a local business. Check their Google My Business profiles, local citations, and customer reviews. Optimizing for local search can help you stand out in local SERPs.

Step 9: Monitor Competitor Changes

Competitor analysis isn’t a one-time task. Keep an eye on your competitors’ websites and strategies over time. Changes in their SEO tactics or content can provide insights into their evolving strategies and help you adapt accordingly.


In summary, performing an SEO competitive analysis is pivotal to enhancing your website’s search engine performance. This process equips you with the knowledge to identify competitors, dissect their strategies, and learn from their achievements and shortcomings. By continuously refining your SEO approach, you can surpass your competitors and ascend to higher rankings in search engine results, and you’ll unlock the benefits of SEO.

It’s essential to recognize that SEO insights are an ever-evolving journey. Regularly revisiting your analysis and adapting your strategy is essential to maintaining a lead in the dynamic realm of online marketing. With the right insights and a proactive mindset, your website can secure a lasting position for success in the digital landscape.





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