Author: S2S Blog

25 Best Online Business Ideas in Pakistan With Low Investment in 2024

Each of us wants to be a boss, but the nature of business is loaded with risks and failures. Every step is not without success and failure. It depends on us how we manage and look forward. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot be a businessman. Don’t stop yourself from at least trying it. […]

12 Best Real Estate Marketing Ideas in Pakistan in 2024

Are you looking for Real Estate Marketing Ideas in Pakistan, Are you thinking of buying, selling, or renting a property instantly? But couldn’t find a buyer or a tenant? Because no one knows about your property? No one is aware of your property! Therefore, no one is willing to buy it!Isn’t it right? For this, […]

Tips for Making Your Digital Marketing Campaign Effective

Is your digital marketing effort backed up by a robust campaign plan? According to recent data, over half of firms (45%) do not have a digital marketing plan, and mostly overlooks the value of digital media utilization in expanding their business visibility. If you are operating a digital marketing campaign, then you are unlikely to witness the […]

How to boost your confidence during an interview

In a nutshell, self-confidence is your opinion of yourself, it’s like running water, it comes out of nowhere and goes away without even you knowing.For a successful interview, confidence is the key, and projecting it can be perceived as important as demonstrating your skills and talent.Be honest with yourselfStepping outside your comfort zone is the […]

How Facebook’s Metaverse will change the Social Media Space

Social media giant Facebook has changed its name to Meta in an attempt to own the Metaverse, which could be the next generation of digital media.What is the Metaverse? Simply put, a rapidly changing world in which our habitual lives transcend a single reality and add virtual reality as well.This new setup has come to […]

How to pick a blog niche?

You love the notion of starting a blog, but you are not sure about what to write. Or maybe you do know what to write but are not sure if it even works. Good call. A great blog that tackles a sought-after topic could become a growing endeavor and make you a huge profit. With […]

The Relationship between Empathy, Ethics, and Social Media

2020 turned out to be a life-changing year for the world. The shock was so vicious that it turned out to be a disaster for mental health, which led to a complete lack of compassion shown by many people on social media. The internet witnessed more users post-pandemic and the fast-moving era harshly influenced technology […]

Why Diversity is Important in Real Estate?

With the uncertain events unfolding in the world from the past year, the topic of diversity has been pulled into focus and getting into conversations everywhere from the real estate offices to the newsrooms. In this modern world, the time has encouraged us to change the dial on diversity and inclusion for many sectors. What […]

Work and Life Lessons for Youngsters

Underlining spotlight on how young folks who are in their early professional careers can be swayed by inspirational mentors. Be it their professionalism or the practice of ethics, how human values are intrinsic to everything we do. There is obviously an element of luck in hitting the jackpot and getting the privilege of a ringside […]

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