How storytelling offers the best of both worlds in B2B product marketing
The theory of product differentiation traces back 90 years to economist Edward Hastings Chamberlin’s book, “Theory of Monopolistic Competition.” Chamberlin’s view on product or service differentiation, still relevant today, states that a group of products is considered differentiated if there is any significant basis for distinguishing one seller’s goods or services from those of another. […]
Creativity at the Heart of Content Marketing: A How-to Guide
It’s no secret that content marketing is key for businesses to stand out in today’s digital landscape. Every business needs to think about how their content can reach potential customers, engage them, and convince them to convert. Creativity should be at the heart of your content marketing strategy if you want it to be successful. […]
How Brand Storytelling Increases Client Lifetime Value
The world’s best brands tell rich story lines which communicate the basic human urge to feel connected. By perfecting the craft of storytelling, brands such as Nike and McDonald’s have transformed ordinary clients into brand leaders. They are readily identifiable and have become deeply ingrained in our ordinary routine. Many of these leading brands convey […]